Monday, May 10, 2010

Big Things are happening at SWFB...

Boy, I have been so excited with my reentry into perfoming magic shows. I have been doing many different shows, including my themed magic shows for school fundraisers, a few birthday parties (just to get back in sync) and a few themed programs as school assembly shows.

But the big news for me is I have a small magic book at the printer right now. It is a pamphlet size book that teaches simple magic tricks for kids. It will have a retail price of $6.95 and I will be selling these online as well as part of school fundraisers. Part of the sales of this book at each fundraiser will be donated back to the school. More info will be available on my web site real soon: .

Another big and exciting venture for me will be my return to performing educational assembly programs in elementary schools here in New England and New York. I did this many years ago with a lot of success but this was a time when schools had budgets for these programs. My goal for the 2010-2011 school year is to script my programs to be heavy on message and rely on storytelling, some magic, laughter and audience participation to drive the messages home. I am already scripting a show about bullying in school, recycling, nutrition, character building and reading. These will be full stage presentations, using sound and music. I have created a seperate division of Funny Business for this new venture: Creative Learning Programs. My new web site (which is still under construction but can be viewed) is please take a look. If you remember, as a young student going to assembly programs, you know how exciting this can be. If you remember any of these programs, I would like to know what ones you remember.

Well that about all for now. I hope to see you this summer at one of my many Connecticut library shows. I have quite a few of these reading programs to do. My summer show is "The Water Wonderland Magic Show" and it uses the national theme of "Make a Splash- Read"

See you soon
